Your chance to secure a brand new home with quality inclusions by a reputable builder.

Eleventh Ave, Austral
Lot 4 is registered 250 Sqm
Lot 201 registered 292.5 Sqm

Homes available | 4 bedroom single Storey or double story

Metro/Classic Facade
Upstyle Promotion included FREE
Modern Inclusions
Ducted Actron Classic Air Conditioning
20mm Engineered Stone Benchtops to
Kitchen and Vanities
900mm Westinghouse Cooktop and Oven
2590mm Ceiling Height to Ground Floor
Tiles to Main Living Areas, Porch and Alfresco
Carpets to Bedrooms and Lounge Room
Mirror sliding robes
Insulation to Walls and Sarking to Underside
of Roof
45 LED Downlights
7 Star Basix Rating
‘Coloured On’ Concrete Driveway

Close proximity to everything you need and more including

St Anthony Padua College, Austral Shopping Centre

Austral Public school, Leppington train station

Leppington Village shopping Centre

Close to M7 Interchange

Short distance to Western Sydney International Airport.